| Simple retro-fit of IP cameras in place of analogue.
| Full 100Base-TX Ethernet performance.
| Supports multiple IP cameras (with switch).
| Fully automatic - no configuration required.
| Up to 300m on RG59, 500m on RG11.
| Powered by legacy PSU at camera end.
| Rackmount option for control room end.
Coax adaptor for full-speed Ethernet over legacy cabling

HIGHWIRE allows IP network cameras to communicate over existing coax. HIGHWIRE supports high resolution IP cameras, uses legacy cables and cuts your installation costs. They are used in pairs, are highly reliable, and very easy to install, with no IP address requirement and no need to pair devices.
Keep The Coax

A pair of HIGHWIRE adaptors powered by 12V DC at each end, deliver full bandwidth Ethernet over existing coaxial cabling without requiring any settings or other configuration.
Ethernet over legacy coaxial cabling

Compatible Products for...
A list of associated compatible products is shown below. Where the same product is listed, this means they can be used in pairs. To find out more about any listed product, use the button to return to IP Transmission Products and select the required item
HIGHWIRE Powerstar Duo
HIGHWIRE Powerstar Quad

Customers | Products
A few sites to give a flavour of the sites we protect. See References and Applications for more detailed info.

LAX Los Angeles International Airport | HIGHWIRE
Analogue Camera Replacement

Federal Aviation Authority | TIMENET
Time Synchronisation

Ceylon Electricity Board | LONGSPAN
Long Distance Ethernet